Collection: Hood Removable Trail Armor

NEW JL and JT PPV Hood Vinyl is here! Designed for the Rubicon Hood.

PPV Hood Armor is made on wet or dry DIY install PPV - Paint Protection Vinyl. Designed to stay on for up to a few years with clean removal. Not recommended for extended sun exposure as Hood paint can fade unevenly.


JK Hood designed for stock hood with no intake contours and dual washer fluid ports.

JK Hood Armor is made of high energy magnet and Optional made on PPV instead on request.


NEW Bronco PPV Hood designed for the 2022 stock Sasquatch hood.

Bronco Hood Armor is made on wet or dry DIY install PPV - Paint Protection Vinyl. Designed to stay on for up to a few years with clean removal. Not recommended for extended sun exposure as Hood paint can fade unevenly. Optional made on nano-hold technology instead on request.

Freedom to Explore, Armor to Endure – MEK Magnet, Built for Off-Road Life.